Even though in Examination period, their attraction just too much for me to bear. Therefore, during the gap between two papers, I used that opportunity to watch these all time favorite movies and they were super super splendid box office tayangan hebat. While right now I'm supposed to study. T.T
Just watched movies.
Iron Man 2 : Great
Ip Man 2 : Awesome
Next to come.
Avatar the Last Air Bender
Robin Hood
Harry Potter
so far ni je baru dlm list to date. there are more to come.
er.. sorry I'm no big fan of Twilight.
so no twilight in cinema.
tgk kat rumah boleh la bile susah nak tidor.
The worst.
Don't watch Panic House or something like that.
Sucks. Thailand horror movie. I slept tightly while watching. haha
People recommend me to watch hindustan movie 'My name is Khan'. They got the movie in .avi format. I'll copy and save it in pendrive or ext hardisk or whatsoever later after all these exams. Just wait. yes. wait. WAIT. -.-;
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