Tuesday, March 30, 2010


Celik celik celik tau tau dah nak masuk bulan 4.. haih.. cepat sungguh.. being in semester 6 ni mmg seronok regardless of the assignmenttsss.. byk event2 menarik sepanjang sem nih.. and byk jugak aku participated dlm event tuh.

one of them was 2 February 2010.. main bola interpart match..
hahahaha semua game kalah! hahaha
well.. just play for fun je nobody blame nobody..
eh.. x percaye aku men bola?????????????
ek eleenn nih ada gmbr ni kalo x percaya.. (hahaha saje mmg nk letak pon)
haaaaaa kan percaya dah kan kan kan kan kan.. hahahah.. dah berape kurun dah aku x men bole padang besar gile ghabak nihh... lepas habis je game teros..........KO teros!!!! hahaha

ok next event adalah material exhibition! yang nih semua wajib serta.. grouping.. markah beb! yg kene buat exhibition nih adelah semua student semester 6 aku punye department.. mmg nih mmg event tiap2 sem utk sem 6 stdent. and...... apa yang kitorang exhibitkan ialahhh......... clay roof tiles! hohoho mule2 rasa clay roof tiles nih x dpt sambutan sbb orang rase mcm dah familiar.. last last... pap! amik kau ramai pulak yang tanya tu tanya ni pasal clay roof tile tuh.. best jgak laaa... tp.. penat!!!! nak kene explain bende yang sama dari pagi smp petang!! perghhhh... bayangkan... bende yang sama di ulang ulang ulang.. same jugak explanation utk model Site Layout! lagi gile mmg penat sbb panjang gile nk explain! haaaaaaaaaaa... senang cite nih tgk gambar bwh nih...
eh.. alamak ni gambar posing maaaaaut nih.. tgk buntut wat ape..
nih lagi satu gambar nih baru betoll.. adoiiiyaaiiikkk..
Haaaaaaaaa... ni tgh explain laa nihhhh.. tyme nih pakai kemeje lagii was waktu pagii before lunch.. lepas lunch tu yang pakai baju merah hotlink kat atas td tuuu.. ok not to forget this exhibition was held on 11 March 2010!

OOOwwWwwwwraaiitt! next event lagi pulak.. adalah event yang sgt gile aghhh mendebarkann... namenye ialah Building Symposium pada 24 March 2010! the task was we have to form a group of 3 or 4 people and buat satu paper work.. buat buat buat buat buat punya buat then kenalah present kan dlm dewan kepada lecturers dan fellow friends serta fellow part 4 junior.. it was boring actually sbb kena tunggu turn nk present dr pagi smp mcm biasa habis petang! masa tgh tunggu turn tuh kenalah tunggu dan dgr orang len punya presentation.. sian part 4 terpakse jugak involved dlm event nih as the audience.. hahahha no worries kitorang pon pernah gak jadi audience time part 4 dulu.. and yeahh hell boring!! hahahhaha. oh.. as for my group, 3 orang je.. aku, anah, ngan farah.. aku jadi presenter.. farah jadi pusher... anah jadi watcher.. hahahaha.. farah punye kerje atas stage tekan laptop utk slide.. anah pulak jadi model duk atas stage.. hahaha.. aku yg dok kena present nih nervous gile dr pagi smp lah ke turn present, yakni waktu petang kol 2.30 mcm tu.. hahaha lame gile aku terseksa! bile naik atas stage pulakk...... dup dug dup duk.. POP! dah x nervous.. kepale otak aku ni pulak teros tttteeetttttt... ZERO! tak leh pk apa dah! hahahhaha kelawak (kelaka + lawak) sungguh.. sampai hampir terlupe nak intro tajuk kitorang.. nasib baik ada script yang aku baru print malamnya.. hahaha. pasal khusyuuukk gile baca script aku hampir terlupa nak pandang slide and of course audience.. and plus aku x sedar mulut aku betol betol kat mic! and sbb tu bukan main kuat aku bercakap.. hahahah padan muke pekak telinge korang.. hahaha thnx to farah punye jari dok tekan2 slide parallel with my speech.. hehehhe bebel bebel bebel kat atas stage tetibe bunyi KTING! menandakan tinggal lagi satu minit untuk membebel.. aku pon apa lagi.... tanpa dalam kesedaran, aku pon spppeeedd ah baca script tuh.. "hahahaha" bunyi orang gelak tawa.. aku wat bodo je.. hahahha.. sampai je ke KTING yang ke dua aku teros je OK! THANK YOU tanpa berfikir panjang.. padahal boleh je habiskan conclusion yang lagi seciput tu.. hahahhaa naive me though stupidos.. nvm it was a 'good' experience.. hahahhaa..
Oh yes that was really me.. aku taw mesti orang ingat alaahai bende ni pon nak nervous.. adoiyaiikk suketi hati saya lah.. nobody blame nobody ok.. hahaha

Haaaaa next event ape lagi ek.. hmm.. fikir jap... OWwwhh! family day on 6 March 2010!! family day pon aku ada join jugak main game... mcm biasa lah every sem main tepong je... hahaha
The game mcm ni.. mula2 kena makan pisang.... sampai habissss.. thnx to penyokong help me makan pisang sampai habis.. hahahha
then kene cari gule dalam tepong pakai mulut bukan TANGAN.. hahhaa like hell mcm aku nk cari pakai mulut.. apa guna tangan kan.. hahaha
Keputusannye.... JENG JENG JENG JENG!! pemenang NOMBOR 1 LAAAA!!! hahahhaa. tuuu seblah aku tu la yg dok perabiskan pisang tuh.. mmg molot besar tu yg cpt habis tuh.. padahal jadi penonton je die.. hahahhaha thnx thnx.. utk family day nih aku main satu game je.. xleh byk2 nnt orang lain jeles.. hahhaha

Ok lagi, recently adalah mandi air terjon! kat lubuk timah! 27 Mac 2010.. kat lubuk timah nih ada kolam air panas.. sbb tu lah kitorang g.. tp dalam kolam tuh penoh ramai orang kitorang mandi lah air terjun dulu kat seblah kolam air panas tuhh............... apa?? gambar? alamak.. nak kena letak ke.. hmmm.. letak je la sebijon untk tuntunan umum.. body pon x cantik nak letak.. peduli ahhh.. hahahha p/s jgn tenung lame2....... hahaha bajet lebih..
Kat belakang tu bukan air terjun.. tapi...... adalah... empangan mungking??? aku pon tak tawulah tak naik pon atas tuh.. tp kat seblah aku tuh air die xde lah dalam mana pon.. cetek.. byk batu.. tp ok la sejuk.. boleh la ilangkan panas perak ni utk seketika.. padahal lepas tu mandi air panas pulak.. hahaha

Ok ok.. ada lagi satu seblom terlupe.. iaitu pergi memancing kat tasik/lombong berdekatan uitm.. padahal x pernah pon memancing.. men bedal je.. emmm.. bile ek.. jap check jap........... ok taw dah.. 2 March 2010!
Heh! ek elenn poyo je posing ann!! pegang CACING PON X BERANI!!! WAHAHAHAHAH.. jangan cakap cacing! CENGKERIK PON X BERAN!! hahahhahahaahahahaha ehem.. IKAN pon x berani sebenarnye nak pegang tapi xpe lah xyah bagitawu sesape is much better kot.. DOINK! ok enough with embarrassing story of me.... ok.. enough! hahaha rasa mcm nak gelak pon ada..

OI MAN! jangan lupe... 2 APRIL 2010 kene submit assignmentss! BOLEH PULAK TYPE BENDE MENGARUT NI PANJANG2!!

ok ok jgn marah aku dude...
jap biar aku pencent kan percentage of job done to date:


owh crap!! site management baru buat sikit! dah lah individu punya taskk.. adoiiiyaaiiiii... services pulak nasib baik grouping.. tggal aku punye part je tak siap lagi.. OWH! CRAP!!

better I start it NOW!
eh jap.. mandi dulu lah.. pastu makan.. baru start buat..
bapak pemalas aku nih..

my wish of the week =
'Tak sabar tunggu 2nd April.. its the end of everything! no more assignments!'

Sunday, March 28, 2010


Rasa macam nak tulis something.

tp keadaan saraf vertebrata pula tidak mengizinkan..

injap bikuspit tiba2 tersepit..

dengan trakea yang kering kontang..

tambahan dgn bisep trisep frisep tak bagi tindak balas..

tak ketinggalan jugak tiub folapio tersumbat..

kornea pon kembang kecut kembang kecut..

dan kilang mukus lansong tak berfungsi..

maka secara rancaknya,

MALAS melemaskan ventrikel kanan otak aku.

jadi, next time je lah kite bersua ria..

Saturday, March 20, 2010


once upon a time.
aku rasa sudah jatuh cinta.
dgn ini ruangan.
sbb aku suka.
aku boleh tulis.
apa yg aku suka.
apa yg aku rasa.
bila bila masa.
oh mcm ni rasanya cinta.
tiada siapa akan jeles dgn kita.
jauh dari manusia.
yg sgt durjana.
ha ha ha.


ahh.. indahnye bau Kuala Lumpur!
lepas lebih berabad aku tak jejakkan kaki kt kuala lumpur.

ahh.. hilang semua belenggu belenggu tension di perak..
lepas lebih beradab aku menjejakkan kaki kt perak..

percayalah cakap saya ni.. anda xleh tinggal serumah/sebumbung dgn orang yg bukan dr darah daging anda selama lebih 3 bulan.. kerana lepas lebih 3 bulan segala konflik yg anda rasa anda tak jangkakan akan timbul dari belusut belusut konkrit akan ke ruangan rumah yang akan memanaskan lagi onak duri ombak berlabuh..

mungkin ia cuma terjadi kepada saya sebanyak 2 kali di tempt yg berbeza. tp xpe kerana keseluruhan ruangan ini memang sepatutnye mengenai diri saya. ha ha ha.

ahhh.. tenangnya bila di rumah sendiri..
bersama darah daging kita sendiri setelah sekian lama...

tp tahu tahu lah cuti akhir minggu cuma 2 hari je.. ketenangan ini akan berlabuh kurang dari 24 jam dari sekarang. ahh.. ekspresi tension akan kembali lagi. sedang menunggu nunggu.. sedang memanggil manggil.. sedang menggigil gigil.. menanti kepulanganku ini.. ahhhh.. malasnye nak berhadapan dengan makhluk yg dipanggil 'tension'...

oh ketenangan.. aku akan merinduimu.. selama. lama. lamanya.


Ok now i remember what i dont remember back then..

"Negligence is on omission to do something which a reasonable man guided upon those considerations which ordinarily regulate the conduct of human affairs, would do or doing something which a prudent and reasonable man would do or not."

Huh-Rah! i did it!!! nnt nak exam nnt senang lah nak refer kat sini je balek.. bak kate makcik halimah sebelah rumah, sediakan payung before mendung..... .. ..... ..... hmm.. ok. well this is yea i know one of the lame jokes of mine.. haha. LOOOOOSER me though... darn it.

in this chapter i would talk about... 'jealousy over tendency'.. frankly speaking i dont know what it means.. i just think of it, yet it rhymes nicely and yeah cool.... ahahaha

hmm... i write this is not to exaggerate or what. but i am thinking of this as something which should not happen to me. this is that.. hmm.. mcm mane nak cakap haa.. ok.. like this.. past few years and past few months, yet past few weeks ago there were many confessions saying about bla bla bla..

ceritenye mcm nih lah.. susah sgt nak speaking omputeh. mcm beruk bunyi dah.. haaa.. aku ni kan byk kawan.. termasuk juga kawan wanita.. kawan wanita aku kebanyakannye sudah berlaki.. since dorang kawan aku.. aku pon bergaul lah mcm biasa.. and biasa.. yet only biasa.. seperti normal normal manusia lakukan.. while their boyfriends are not among my guy friends.. then later i know that the boyfriends there is a bit kecemburuan towards me.. laki die takdela cakap kat aku.. ade la cara aku tawu.. ngehehehe.. well.. this is not a good nesw for me.. aku x faham kenape....

tu baru kawan wanita yg boyfriendnye bukan dikalangan kawan aku.. nak cite plak kawan wanita yg boyfriendnye dalam kalangan kawan aku pulak.. haihh.. lagi laaaa aku x faham... bf kwn aku. gf pon kawan aku. aku x faham kenape bf nk jeles ble aku bergaul dgn gf die. bukannye sehari dua kenal.. nak kate mesra xde la mesra mana.. biasa biasa je.. hmmmmm.. pelik.. tp... aghhhhh.. tak faham betol lah.. bknnye nak tackle awek die ke ape ke........ tension btol ah tgk org bercinta mcm ni.. since high school experiencing these shitty.. for a long time i've been wondering. WHY? what the full of bullshit.!

i think now i know i should jaga jaga jaga jaga and berjaga jaga pergaulan..
x kira kawan ke ape..
sbb kawan tak kan kira kawan when it comes to gf.

p/s: this post is not pointing to anybody out there. sorry to write this. nothing personal.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


hmmm... haishhh... actually (serbernarnyar) banyak bende nk cite tp tu semua tika aku diluar zone blogspot nih.. terfikir nk cerite tu.. nak tulis ni.. idea itu ini, et cetera et cetera.. tatkala di dalam zone ni pulak semuanya varnish elsewhere nowhere i know it where. hmmm.. weirdo.. seems like mainan satan di benak fikiran.. errmm... well yeah as you know in my latest post has shown that i was in terible extravaganzzzza hyper tensionnnsss... know why? bcoz of terible extravaganzzzza hyper sleepyyy brain.. ntah sbb x cukup minum air kosong ker.... sbb byk tgk tv ke.. sbb mata asyik ngadap skkrin ke.... makan byk sgt ke and et cetera .. hmm.. mcm ada sesuatu yg pelik.. oh.. wow.! mudah sungguh bile ade et cetera.. bile malas nak list byk2 kite cume perlu menyeru et cetera.. bile kite jugak malas nak bagitahu bende yang sebaliknye kite cume perlu mengkumat kamit jampi berbunyi 'vise versa'.. yada yada.. mmg sungguh pemmalas betul lah.. mane mata tak mengantuk berfikir pon malas! hmm.. haa.. ade ni bende ni sket je nk crite.. pasal woman abuse. recently.. right in front my eye balls.. and also in front of my 'other' balls.. (HAHA) i saw a woman i can say terribly abused by her love-so-much bf.. hmm.. how was she abused?? it was because of one case yada yada no need to tell lah.. just tell what he done just enough already.. the bf use his right 5-fully-fingers palm to knock/hit/tolak/hentam/hentuk/et cetera - dont know the exact verb lolx - of his gf head at the wall..... and i heard DOINKKK because of tujahan kepala si gadis tepat ke dinding tersebut.. its not her dahi yg kene.. tapi kepala sebelah tepi kiri.. you know where.. yes you are.. what i can imagine was DUHH MESTI SAKIT GLE KEPALE OTAK DIE! then the girl not run but walked a bit fast to the other side to hide inside the nearest ladies-toilet.. yet, the guy chased her.. the girl tak sempat masuk toilet.. then i cant see a thing bcoz hidden by a wall in front the toilet.. sure he did something terrible again.. and the ending, i walked away and went in to the class.. hmmm.. even i know the story of this tragedy, but i dont think the guy has the _____ (right/wright) - choose the right answer - to act like that because still the girl is not-so-guilty in the situation..
well yess i know the guy very well and i hope he will not read this! FOREVER! hahahahha. to describe him.. he is a very short-tempered man to his gf.. because of small matter he will scold his gf.. and yada yada many more... i dont want to expose anyone's pekung at his ____ (breast/chest) - choose the right answer again -
yet i dont know how she can totally be with him until now. apa yg ada kat laki tu pon aku tak tahu lah.. hmmm to warn or to give some advice to girls out there... you guys just dont be too ridiculous to hang around with someone who does terrible things to you.. even he pinch you, just leave him FAR AWAY! and one more thing.. girls plz dont be tooooooooo ridiculously give your 'everything' to any of guy.. no need to be like that just to show your love towards him.. that is sooo yes ridiculous. believe me all guys just same..they want it..so much.. as much as you love shopping/gossipping/et cetera-ing. your 'everything' is much valuable than your damn so-called-true-love.. to tell the truth, you are the precious creature on earth.. value yourself.. value ownself.. hmm its not that i am soo good person.. i'd also done terrible things to other girls.. it was psychologycally abused.. dammit.. how could i............... but here i am about to remind you as much as i could... i really hope i will not be this-kind-of-guy when i in relationship.someday.hopefully... well for guys, dont hate me because i am writing this. hahahaha.. cume nak conclude je what was i saw back then......

hmm.. to quote something:

Negligence is an omission to do something which a reasonable man guided upon those ___ which ordinarily re..................................................

Shit!! lupe pulak ape ayat die...... dalam kelas dah hafal.. aghh.. nnt ah refer balik buku LAW... hahahhaa

well then.. got to go.. nak submit practical report to en rasyidi utk dijilidkan..
hopefully he still in the campus..

yada yada


Wednesday, March 10, 2010







TENSION BTOL AKUH..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





Wednesday, March 3, 2010


Haih.. lame x jmp si anak buah sorang nih.. Zurnuryamin namanya.. ntah dah fasih becakap ke belom.. dulu last jmp pandai dah panggil 'acik Man'.. si abangnye pulak, Daniel lansong x reti cakap.. cakap pon bahasa alien jadinye.. x paham langsong.. hahah. nasib baik dah pndai dah panggil 'acik Man' jugak.. hehehe... si kakak diorang pulak, Nana, jgn cakap lah.. mmg fasih betul berkata kata.. jenuh nak melayannye kadang2.. rindu lah jugak kat dia... duh.. rindu nye lah... bile mama nak bawak dtg umah lagi ni..?? nasib baik ada gambar Yamin blh tgk-tgk.. gamba Daniel xde la pulak.. sbb.. die x secomel Yamin.. hahahaha.. lame x jmp ni jgn dah lupe muke acik Man nih dah la..ahax.. haih.. kat perak nih, jadi peneman cume si-anak-kucing-baru-lahir-xde-mak, Bawang je lah.. dulu ada si-kucing-remaja-ntah-mana-datang-tapi-manja, namenye Awang.. sekarang Bawang datang, Awang dah lari.. merajok kot ada kucing lain.. huhuhu.. apa2 lah.. tp yg penting, dua2 ekor si Awang mahupun Bawang mmg PEMALAS! hahahaa.. nak compare Daniel, Yamin, Awang, Bawang, pemenang kecomelan nombor 1 mestilah si Yamin bucuk-bucuk ingush meleleyh! hihihihi.. HAHHAAH.. anyways, take care semua....


sy d bnd bst nk bwt utk pst hrn. hhhh. k nk tls krngn spnjg pnjg lm tnp hrf vcl.. sj xd kj. k bsn nk mmps thp mthr nk mltp pny.

kdn cc hrn sgt trk. smlm pn sm. frvr pn sm. sgt sgt sgt sgt sgt trk. mmg pns gl. gl gl gl gl gl pns. kl jmr kn kt lr smnt j blh krg. hhhhhh.

tp nsb bk hr rb ptg xd kls blh rlx rlx kt rmh. tp sk plk pck gl kls! ghhh..

fnl prjk lg 2 stgs. skng stg 3. dhhh bl nk hbs.. nsb bk BC dh hbs! tggl nk prpr prsnttn bsmnt j. k lr kr dh krg st bbn.. tp mgg dpn plk d xbtn mtrl ngn st mngmnt.. xtw lr cmn nnt.. mntk2 k. h d lg st rr prnsntn BZ.. dhh.. nk kn prsnt dpn pngrh plk t.. gl gl gl gl gl.. grp k mst k yg kn prsnt.. frh ngn frhnh nk prsnt? jgn hrp. tp xp k kn prsd drg tk lkknny.. ghhhh..

lps sm2 nh hbs br lr blh rlx sps spsny.. fnl xm th lst mnt blh stdy.. hhhhh.. hshh.. xsbr nk hbs prt 6 n.. smstr plg crt brt dhhhhhhhhh...

hpflly ll ths dn prfctly n ncly dn.. ghhhh..

ngh wth ths nnsnc pst wtht nyn cn ndrstnd t.. hhhhhh..

gd lck brkg th cds.!! chrs! :))