Saturday, June 19, 2010


Apparently, I just realized how lucky I am.

Able to obtain self-satisfied exam result can be considered very lucky, by seeing my performances back then really make me worry. But luckily I got it served.


Being able to get 'hired' again by UiTM to further my studies also considered as lucky, by seeing that there are the whole fellow Malaysians who also applied to the same Universitas as I applied. And also my fellow course-mates who also applied the same, Construction Management for their degree. See, there are thousands of application made.

But, I just noticed, I thought everybody whose already in UiTM and apply for UiTM will get through it easily. It seems wrong. Not all of them get as they desired. Some get other courses, some get at weird places, and some need to re-apply through Rayuan. I feel sorry for them.

I experienced the same when I applied for Diploma 3 years a go. I got no luck on the 1st try, and after the Rayuan, I got it. Diploma in Building. So then, what I want to say is, good luck to you guys. Never give up.

Well, life is nothing different like a dice. It is squared. It is numbered. Square is the path, the number is their luck. We are the one who throw the dice. We gamble to get the highest, 6, and yet the result sure is nothing as we expected.

Some say, we can't always at the top, because when we fall, it hurts. It is same as we can't always dream for the best, because when we didn't get it, we cry. Just never say Good Bye. Find for your next Hye.

Yada yada. Enough said. It is surely easy to write and spike. Grin.


  1. "Well, life is nothing different like a dice. It is squared. It is numbered. Square is the path, the number is their luck. We are the one who throw the dice. We gamble to get the highest, 6, and yet the result sure is nothing as we expected.

    Some say, we can't always at the top, because when we fall, it hurts. It is same as we can't always dream for the best, because when we didn't get it, we cry. Just never say Good Bye. Find for your next Hye."

    - waaahhhh sulaiman sugoiii!! paragraph favourite akuuu! words of wisdom! *two thumbs up!* =D

  2. wowoee,,sulaiman pandainya hang menuliss~
    thumbs up (*srett punya okayyyyyyyyyyy!!)

  3. uwahhh!
    gila lah bahasa kau aiman!

    tu r.aku pn sama..masa dip aku dah keciwa gila ingt dah xdpt...

    btw, ko dah bwt penerimaan tawaran ke belum? baik bwt cepat..

  4. kekeke thankssss !! =))

    ena, nnt kalo teserempak tegur arr.. shah alam bukannye kecik pon. hahaha

    jijah aku dah buat penerimaan dah. 3 kali aku buat takot die tak terima.. hahaha

  5. "Some say, we can't always at the top, because when we fall, it hurts. It is same as we can't always dream for the best, because when we didn't get it, we cry. Just never say Good Bye. Find for your next Hye."

    Ak suke ayat ko yg ni. Sbb ak da pnah experienced bnde yg same. BTW, congrats..=)
