Thursday, April 1, 2010


this is the 2nd post for 1st april for the 28th total blog post.. today im still in the whining mood regarding assignment... haha it is because tomorrow, 2nd april, is the submission date.. where it will be the end of everythingggg besides the final project which the final stage will be presented on week 15th.. yg tggl cuma satu ni je... since tomorrow is the due date, then i believe i will have no more opportunity to bubbling about assignmentss the day after tomorrow.. ahax.. it will be grateful where i need no more kecoh kecoh pasal assignment.. baru diploma dah kecoh.. hahhahaha

esk due date.. percentage siap, 9:26 pm.. still 10%.. duration before submission, less than 24 hour.. hahahahah.. ape ke bengong sgt aku ni... nasib baik maksimum page 20 pages and minimum 5 pages.. tp kena letak gamba yg dicuci di kedai gambar.. alamak.. malam2 nih kedai gambar mana yg bukakkkk???? ntah laahhhhh.. print pakai glossy paper je kot ade jugak mcm cuci kt kedai gmbr kan.. ahahax.

dah ah.. tak leh tulis bebanyakk...


  1. guwd luck finishing ur assignment!

    mak sye ckp..jgn tangguh3 keje..(=


  2. haa...

    sempat submit x??


  3. smpt la jugak... tp missed 1 kelas pagi.. haha
